English Pod Study Note Lesson 8

Abstract: Note for EP Lesson 8, talking about the embarrasing.

Ana meet Nick around the neighbourhood. Ana use “How’s going?” to start the conversation with Nick. Ana asked Nick why he is in this neighbourhood and Nick told Ana that his office is around the corner. Then Ana said that she was very instresting enjoyed about the conversation in the previous conference for about foreign investment. But Nick is in a bit of hurry and give his business card to Ana and prepare to live. The Ana make sure whether Nick remembers her contact detail, the Nick said this is really embarrassing and he slipped his mind her name has just slipped his mind. He asks Ana to remind him. The Ana told her name and expressed that she understand this situation and she is also terrible about the name and it happens to her all the time.

There are three parts for this lesson: Language Take away, Frequency Builder and Put it together. We use the LTA, FB and PIT to denote them.


slip my mind: it means to be forgotten. You can say something has been slipped my mind or just say it slipped my mind to express you forgot something such as someone’s birthday or someone’s name.

in a bit hurry: when you in hurry and want to go as soon as possible, you can use this phrase to terminate your conversation. e.g. You know I’m in a bit of hurry, but here’s my card.

contact detail: someone’s contact information that is included in business card usually.


How’s going to replace the How are you in general which is more native.


around, around here, around the corner

terrible with, not familiar and hard to do something. e.g. I am terrible with the number.